There are no hard and fast “rules” for business blogging, but there are several elements that will make your blog reader-friendly and more successful.
#1: The Master Plan
Creating content – Understanding why you are in business, what your business does for your clients and your goals for your business will guide you in creating content.
Keyword Research – Keywords and keyword phrases are a major part of your blog content. Compile a list of keywords that are relevant and use the Google Keyword tool to research how many actual searches are done each month. Use this list as a starting point.
Define Your Target Audience – Write about what your audience will find interesting, informative and helpful.
#2: The Blog Content
Your content should be reliable and consistent. Write as if you are speaking to a person and not delivering a lecture. Engage your audience with content that will solve problems, educate them on your business, and entertain them with bits of trivia relevant to their businesses.
Publish on a schedule, but don’t publish junk just to stay on schedule. Set a reasonable publishing goal you can maintain.
Make Your Content Scannable – People read a web page differently than the printed page. Break up your content with bullets, headers and shorter paragraphs. Make it easy for your readers to absorb the content without having to read the complete article.
#3: Marketing Your Blog
Put in the time to market your blog. In order to create a following/readership, people need to find your blog. Make sure your blog posts are linked to your social profiles. Post on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and hotlink back to your website. This creates a stream of potential customers for your business.